Rustenburg Diocese
The former Prefecture was raised to the status of a Diocese by papal decree (dated 27 November 1987).
The Diocese comprises the Magisterial Districts of Rustenburg, Koster, Swartruggens, Marico, Thabazimbi, Phokeng, Mankwe, Madikwe, Lehurutse and a portion of Odi.
Previously, the territory formed part of the Archdiocese of Pretoria.
Province of Pretoria
Patron: St. Alphonsus Maria de Ligouri
Area: 32,120 sq. km.
Total Population: 1,780,000
Catholic Population: 45,200
Consecrated Bishop of Rustenburg on 27 February, 2021
Residential Address: 35 Hoep-Hoep Avenue,
Safari Gardens,
Rustenburg 0299
Postal Addresss: Postnet Suite 5068, Private Bag X8224
Rustenburg 0300
Office e-mail address:
Bishop’s official e-mail
Tel: +27 83 655 0457, Fax: 0865617634, Cell: +27 83 655 0457
1. Rt Rev Kevin Patrick Dowling C.Ss.R. Appointed the Bishop of Rustenburg on 2 December 1990. Ordained Bishop 27 January 1991. Retired 25 November 2020.
2. Rt Rev H L Paxton Hallett C.Ss.R. Appointed Prefect Apostolic of the new Prefecture Apostolic of Rustenburg on 29 September 1971. Appointed Bishop of the new Diocese of Rustenburg on 27 November 1987, and ordained Bishop of 30 January 1988. Died on 30 January 1990, the second anniversary of his consecration.
1. VICAR GENERAL: Fr. James Juma MHM, P.O. Box 1550, Phokeng, 0335. Cell: +27 72 103 5211; E-mail:
2. CONSULTORS TO THE BISHOP: Vicar General, Fr. Vincent Brennan SMA, Peter Ackappady CMI, Fr. William Brady SMA, Fr Vincent Brennan SMA.
3. COUNCIL OF PRIESTS: Fr James Juma MHM, P.O. Box 1550, Phokeng, 0335. Cell: +27 72 103 5211, E-mail:
4. COUNCIL OF PERMANENT DEACONS: Chairperson: Deacon Godfrey Manda, P.O. Box 45, Boshoek, 0301, Cell: +27 72 851 6407.
5. DIOCESAN CATECHETICAL DIRECTOR: Fr. Kagiso Mosadi, PO Box 1933, Phokeng, 0335. Tel: 087 802 5205, Cell: 076 283 3757. E-mail:
6. CONTACT FOR CATECHITICAL COORDINATORS: Mrs. Olga Molebatsi, +27 73 725 4748
7. VICAR FOR FINANCE: Fr. William Brady SMA, PO Box 36, Northam 0360. Tel: 014 784 0262; Cell: 082 338 5165. E-mail:
8. PMS & LENTEN APPEAL DIRECTOR: Ms. Winifred Rocchiccioli, PO Box 123, Boshoek, 0301. Tel: 014 555 5651, Cell: +27 83 680 6449. E-mail: winifred.rocchiccioli@gmail.
9. BURSARY DIRECTOR: Fr. Anthony Ogbu C.Ss.R., PO Box 1006, Waterfall Mall 0323. Tel: 014 592 3865; Cell: +27 71 913 6029. E-mail:
10. VOCATION DIRECTOR: Diocese: Fr. Kenneth Moteane, PO Box 191, Zeerust, 2865. Cell: +27 76 626 6321. E-mail:;
Redemptorists: Fr. Anthony Ogbu C.Ss.R., PO Box 1006, Waterfall Mall 0323. Tel: 014 592 3865; Cell: +27 71 913 6029. E-mail:;
11.DIOCESAN YOUTH COMMISSION: Fr. Kenneth Moteane, PO Box 191, Zeerust, 2865. Cell: +27 76 626 6321. E-mail:; Fr. Andrew Ogbu C.Ss.R., PO Box 1006, Waterfall Mall, 0323, E-mail:;; Fr Mark Phiri CSS, P.O. Box 51, Bapong, 0269. Cell: +27 82 782 5908, E-mail:
12. EDUCATION FOR LIFE CO-ORDINATOR: Ms. Violet Motene, PO Box 45, Boshoek, 0301.
13. DIOCESAN PILGRIMAGE DIRECTOR: Fr. Noel Gillespie SMA, PO Box 26, Boshoek, 0301. Cell: 082 793 4157. E-Mail:
14. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CO-ORDINATOR FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS: Miss Winifred Rocchiccioli, PO Box 123, Boshoek 0301. Tel: (014) 555 5651,Cell: 083 680 6449; Email:
15. DIOCESAN FAMILY LIFE DESK: PO Box 45, Boshoek 0301. Mrs. Patricia Raborife, Cell: +27 79 9866 444; Mrs. Maggie Bopalamo, Cell: +27 82 332 4142; Mrs. Thenjiwe Mdlalose, Cell: +27 84 704 0057.
16. DIOCESAN CARITAS: P.O. Box 45, Boshoek 0301. E-mail:
17. CIE NORTH WEST SCHOOLS OFFICE: PO Box 2650, Phokeng 0335; Mr. Paul Mogorosi Cell: +27 83 327 9696. E-mail:; Ms Gladys Tau, Cell: +27 78 460 6092
18. DIOCESAN CHARISMATIC RENEWAL: Joseph Sengooba: Cell: +27 82 758 0440, E-mail:
“Felo Ga Tumelo” Diocesan Pastoral Centre: Director: Fr. James Juma MHM, PO Box 1933, Phokeng, 0335. Tel: +27 72 103 5211. E-mail:
1.Josephine Bakhita Regional Pastoral Centre: Director: Fr. Kenneth Moteane, St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church, Zeerust. PO Box 191, Zeerust, 2865.
Cell: +27 76 626 6321. E-mail:
Tapologo Hospice: Catholic Mission, Boekenhoutfontein 85, Phokeng, 0335. PO Box 56, Boshoek 0301. E-mail:; Website:
1. Selly Park Convent, Drakensberg Avenue; Postnet Suite 4272,
Private Bag X 82323, Rustenburg 0300. Tel: 014 592 9191, Fax: 014 592 7445. Cell: 084 3941 879. E-mail:
2. Mogwase Convent, PostNet Suite 4272, Private Bag X 82323, Rustenburg, 0300. Cell: +27 14 519 0603.
1. Formation House: Modimong, Motherhouse, PO Box 43, Boshoek 0301. Tel: 014 519 0603. Cell: +27 82 977 8665.
2. St. Peter’s Convent, PO Box 70, Tlhabane 0309. Tel: 014 565 4112. Cell: +27 72 408 4281 Email:
3. TSHOLOFELO COMMUNITY: P.O. Box 355, Boshoek, 0323, Cell: +27 83 655 0458; +27 83 657 9593, E-mail:;
1. Redemptorist Community (Rustenburg): PO Box 1006, Waterfall Mall 0323. Tel: 014 592 3865; Parish Tel: 014 592 3707. E-mail:
2. Stigmatine Community: PO Box 51, Bapong, 0269. Cell: +27 82 782 5908/+27 79 350 6072 E-mail:
3. Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (CMIs): PO Box 1048, Rustenburg, 0300. Tel: 014 565 5152; Cell: +27 72 227 6162. E-mail;;
4. De La Salle Brothers: Tsholofelo Community, PO Box 355, Boshoek, 0301. Cell: 083 655 0458. E-mail:
5. Mill Hill Missionaries: PO Box 1933, Phokeng 0335. Cell: +27 72 103 5211. E-mail:;
1. Society of African Missions: SMA House, A17 Buffelsfontein, PO Box 186, Mooinooi 0325. Tel: 014 574 4495 (House); 014 574 3716 (Office: Regional Superior;
Cell: +27 63 054 4270). E-mail:
1. Lefoko Primary School, Gopane: PO Box 119, Zeerust 2865.
2. Holy Family Pre-School, Primary School, High School, Mogwase: PO Box 1257, Mogwase 0314. Tel: 014 555 6279, Fax: 014 555 6279.
3. Johane Mokolobetsi Secondary School, Bapong: PO Box 179, Sonop 0258.
4. Naledi ya Masa Primary School, Silkaatskop: PO Box 13, Zeerust 2865.
5. Selly Park Primary School, Rustenburg: (Pre-School to Grade 7) Postnet Suite 4288, Private Bag X 82323, Rustenburg 0300. Tel: 014 592 1421, Fax: 014 592 7941; Email:
6. Selly Park Secondary School, Rustenburg: PostNet Suite 4821, Private Bag X 82323, Rustenburg 0300. Tel & Fax: 014 592 0284. Cell: +27 82 898 054Email:
7. St. Anne’s High School, Modimong: (Boarding for Girls Grades 8 – 12), PO Box 54, Boshoek 0301. Tel: 014 519 0619. Tel: +27 83 436 4668.
8. St. Catherine’s Primary School, Bapong: PO Box 90, Sonop 0258. Tel: +27 83 109 2836/ +27 83 109 2901.
9. St. Michael’s Primary School, Kanana: PO Box 2044, Rustenburg 0300.
10. St. Teresa’s High School, Bapong: PO Box 237, Sonop 0258.
1. St. Anthony’s Pre-School, Kanana: PO Box 592, Rustenburg 0300. Tel: 014 537 1578.
2. St. Elizabeth Pre-School, Bapong: PO Box 51, Bapong, 0269.
1. RUSTENBURG. Most Holy Redeemer, 1966, Johannesburg Road. PO Box 1006, Waterfall Mall, 0323. Tel (Parish): 014 592 3707.
Tel & Fax House: 014 592 3865. E-mail:; Outstations: Karlien Park; Scumba Farm Community.Institutions: Sisters of Charity of St. Paul the Apostle. Tel: 014 592 9191, Fax: 014 592 7445. Selly Park Primary School. Tel: +27 14 592 1421. Selly Park Secondary School. Tel: +27 14 592 0284/5.
2. BAPONG. St. John Neumann. PO Box 51, Bapong, 0269.
E-mail: Outstations: Wonderkop, Segwaelane, Marikana, Majakaneng. Institutions: St. Catherine’s Primary School,
Johane Mokolobetsi Secondary School, St. Teresa’s High School; St. Elizabeth Pre-School.
3. BETHANIE. PO Box 3188, Brits 0250. Tel: 012 260 0141. Cell: +27 76 283 3757. E-mail: Outstations: Modikwe, Lethabong (Hartebeesfontein), Maumong, Rankilinyane, Mabitse. Institutions: Losperfontein Prison.
4. KANANA. St. Anthony, 1931. PO Box 592, Rustenburg 0300. Outstations: Boitekong, Paardekraal Extension 1, Sunrise Park, Meriting. E-mail:
Cell: 076 314 5760. Institutions: St. Michael’s Primary School, St. Anthony’s Pre- School, Rustenburg Prison.
6. MODIMONG. St. Clement Hofbauer, 1952. PO Box 304, Boshoek 0301. E-mail:; Cell: +27 83 360 8743;
E-Mail:; Cell: 082 793 4157. Oustations: Rietfontein, Bapong (2),Tweelagte, Witrandjies, Tlakong/Mabeskraal, Kameelboom, Ngweding, Kameelkuil, Ledig, Ruighoek, Makgophe, Motlhabe, Sun City, Molorwe, Muskiet, Mapaputle, Phatsima, Vlakplaas, Magong,Magalane, Dithabaneng.
Institutions: Sisters of St. Brigid, Motherhouse (Cell: +27 83 109 7225; +27 83 109 2478), St. Anne’s High School. Tel: +27 83 436 4668.
7. MOGWASE. St. Theresa’s. PostNet Suite 4822, Private Bag X 82323, Rustenburg 0300. Tel & Fax: 014 5556 640; Cell: +27 78 460 3130.
E-mail: Outstations: Legkraal, Monakato, Saulspoort, Lerome. Institutions: 1. Sisters of Charity of St. Paul the Apostle, Tel: 014 558 3297; 2. Holy Family Pre-School, (Primary and High School), Tel: 014 555 6279; 3. Mankwe Prison, 4. Mankwe Military Base.
8. NORTHAM/SWARTKLIP. 317 Thabanzimbi Road, Northam. PO Box 36, Northam 0360. Tel: 014 784 0262. Cell: +27 82 338 5165; E-mail: Outstations: 1. Northam Platinum, 2. Thabazimbi, 3. Smasher Block, 4. Disaki, 5. Amandebult, 6. Ramakokastad, 7.Welgeval, 8. Bojateng, 9. Phadi, 10. Sefikile, 11. Mononono,
12. Mantserre, 13. Monamakgoteng, 14. Sandfontein, 15. Morogong.
9. PHOKENG. St. Joseph’s, Boekenhoutfontein 34, Phokeng. PO Box 1550, Phokeng, 0335. Cell: +27 72 103 5211; E-mail:
Outstations: 1. Chaneng/Rasimone, 2. Masosobane. Institutions: Bishop’s House (Cell: +27 83 655 0457); 3. Tsholofelo Community; Diocesan Caritas Office (Comprising Justice and Peace Office, Diocesan Family Desk, CIE Regional Office, Youth Office), 4. Felo Ga Tumelo Pastoral Centre, 5.Tapologo Aids Office.
10. SILKAATSKOP/SESOBE. Naledi ya Masa, 1955 (Sesobe). PO Box 13, Zeerust 2865. Cell: +27 83 433 5040. E-Mail:
Outstations: 1. Mmasebudule, 2. De Brak-Pitsedisulejang, 3. Nkaipaa, 4. Molatedi, 5. Obakeng, 6. Khayakulu, 7. Losmycherrie-Rampampa, 8.Katnagel, 9. Ramokgelela, 10. Ramotlajwa, 11. Dwarsberg, 12. Montsana,
11. TANTANANA/FREEDOMPARK. Served from Phokeng, PO Box 1048, Rustenburg, 0300. Outstations: 1. Freedom Park, 2. No. 9 Shaft, 3. Mamorotswe, 4.Kopman/Maile.
Cell: +27 72 087 8866.
12. TLASENG. Served from Rustenburg. PO Box 1006, Waterfall Mall, 0323. Tel: 014 592 3865. 1. Tlaseng, 2. Lesung, 3. Tsitsing, 4. Mosenthal, 5. Ikageng, 6.Bleskop. Cell: +27 71 913 6029; E-mail:;
13. TLHABANE. St. Peter’s, 1960. 2846 Motsatsi Street, Tlhabane, 0309; PO Box 1048, Rustenburg, 0300. Tel: 014 565 5152. Cell: +27 76 775 6165.
Outstations: 1. Moineedi Tumelong Catholic Church, 2. Geelhout Park; 3. Reagile-Koster. Institutions: Sisters of St. Brigid, Tel: 014 565 4112.
15. ZEERUST. Our Lady Help of Christians and St. Francis Xavier, 1951, 29 Potgieter Street West. PO Box 191, Zeerust 2865. Tel: 018 642 1476. Cell: +27 76 626 6321; E-mail: Outstations: 1. Ikageleng, 2. Gopane, 3. Dinokana, 4. Borakalalo, 5. Pampierstad, 6. Lehurutse, 7.Ntsweletsoku, 8. Leeufontein/
9. Braklaagte, 10. Boseja, 11. Supingstad, 12. Lekgophung, 13. Swartkopfontein, 14. Driefontein, 15. Rietpan, 16. Moshana, 17. Zwingli. Institutions: 1.Josephine Bakhita Pastoral Centre, 2. Lehurutse College, 3. Zeerust Military Base, 4. Lobatse Military Base.
1. ACKAPPADY, Peter CMI, Cell: | Tlhabane, Cell: 076 775 6165 |
2. BRADY, William SMA, Cell: | Swartklip/Northam, Cell: 082 338 5165 |
3. BRENNAN, Vincent SMA | Mogwase, Cell: 078 460 3130 |
5. COONEY, Kenneth SMA | Modimong/Bapong (2), Cell: 083 360 8743 |
6. DINGISWAYO, Wandile C.Ss.R. | Rustenburg, Cell: 082 788 4000 |
7. DOWLING, Kevin C.Ss.R. Bishop | Phokeng, Cell: 083 655 0457 |
8. GILLESPIE, Noel SMA | Supingstad, Cell: 082 793 4157 |
9. JUMA, James MHM | Phokeng, Cell: 072 103 5211 |
10. LUKOSE, Biju CMI | Tantanana, Cell: 072 087 8866 |
11. MAKASA, Peter SMA | Modimong, Cell: |
12. MELHUISH, John MHM | Bethanie, Cell: 076 283 3757 |
13. MOSADI, Kagiso | Luka, Cell: 072 707 6153 |
14. MOTEANE, Kenneth | Zeerust, Cell: 076 626 6321 |
15. MUGERA, Joseph | Kanana/Paardekraal, Cell: 076 314 5760 |
16. OGBU, Andrew C.Ss.R. | Tlaseng, Cell: 071 913 6029 |
17. ONAZI, Andrew Ogbu C.Ss. R | Rustenburg, Cell: 071 067 9507 |
18. PATHE, Anthony C.Ss.R. | MSWBM Bapong (1), Cell: 063 442 1433 |
19. PHIRI, Mark CSS | Tlokweng, Cell: 073 818 7891 |
20. RAKEKETSI, Bernard | Sesobe, Cell: 083 433 5040 |
21. WALSH, Martin SMA | |
Deacon | STATION |
1. DINGISWAYO, Robert (retired), Cell: 072 860 7007 | Bapong (1) |
2. KOMANE, Bruno, Cell: 082 427 9348 | Modikwe |
3. LEGWALE: Cell: 082 215 2198 | Ledig |
4. THWALA, Simon, Cell: | Kanana |
5. MODISE, Cell: 079 111 006 | Phokeng |
6. GAOLAOLWE, Cell: 079 078 0021 | Mogwase |
7. MOKOKA, Cell: 078 533 2402 | Sesobe |
8. KATANA, Cell: 073 219 9128 | Chaneng/Rasimone |
9. MAAKANE, Cell: | Bapong (1) |
10. THAKADU, Cell: 074 622 8914 | Moruleng |
11. MANDA, Cell: 072 851 6407 | Tlaseng |
12. MASHOAI, Cell: 072 913 1242 | Bapong (1) |
13. MATSHANA, Cell: 078 480 6302 | Chaneng/Rasimone |
14. MONAGANE, Cell: 082 935 5036 | Monakato |
15. MTHOMBENI, Cell: 063 112 0772 | Monakato |
16. PHOKOJE, Cell: 082 943 4501 | Tlhabane |
17. JOSE, Cell: 082 767 0838 | Ikagaleng |
1. Bishop Paxton Hallett C.Ss.R. Died 30.01.1990
1. FR. Joseph Gibbons C.Ss.R.
2. Fr John Smith C. CSs. R
3. Fr Christian Granzier C.Ss.R. Died 20.01.1999
4. Fr Bernard Meredith Died 04.05.2008
5. Fr Edward Lumley-Holmes C.Ss.R.
6. Fr Oliver Conroy C.Ss.R
7. Fr Ralph McNulty C.Ss.R
8. Fr Philip Foster C.Ss.R
9. Fr Gerard Riston C.Ss.R, Died 20.02.1998
10. Fr Dominic Campbell C.Ss.R. Died 29.08.1988
11. Fr William Neeson C.SS.R, Died 24.03.1984
12. Fr Gilbert Conroy C.Ss.R, Died 21.02.1980
13. Fr Wilfrid Hughes C.Ss.R,
14. Fr Leslie Austin C.Ss.R, Died 02.02.1974
15. Fr Francis Xavier Barry C.Ss.R,
16. Fr George Christiaans C.Ss.R,
17. Fr John Dempsey C.Ss.R, Died 22.11.1994