Apostolic Nunciature (Embassy of the Holy See)

Address:  PO Box 95200, Waterkloof, Pretoria, 0145
Residence:  4 Argo Street, Waterkloof, Pretoria, 0181
Tel: 012 346 4250
Fax: 012 346 1494

Email:   nsecretary@nunciaturesa.co.za
Email:   rita.onwu@nunciaturesa.co.za
Email:   octavia.schubert@nunciaturesa.co.za
Counsellor of the Nunciature: Rev. Fr. Dario Pavis
PA to the Apostolic Nuncio: Mrs. Rita M. Onwu

By the Apostolic letter De more Roanorum Pontificum, Pope Pius XI erected Apostolic Delegation in Pretoria on 7 December 1922 to serve the Catholic missions then known as Southern Africa, South West Africa, Basutoland and Bechuanaland. Upon the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Holy See and the Republic of South Africa on 5 March 1994, the Blessed John Paul II promoted the delegation in Pretoria to an Apostolic Nunciature.

Today the Holy See enjoys full diplomatic relations with all five countries of the region: Botswana (2008), Lesotho (1967), Namibia (1955), South Africa (1994), Swaziland (1992),

H.E. Archbishop Peter B. Wells
Titular Archbishop of Marcianopolis Apostolic Nuncio To Botswana, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, and Swaziland


  1. Archbishop Benard j Gijlswijk OP (1922-1944). Died 22 December 1944.
  2. Archbishop Martin Lucas SVD (1945-1952). Subsequent appointments: Apostolic Internuncio to India; Apostolic Delegate to Scandinavia. Died 3 March 1969.
  3. Archbishop Celestine Damiano (1952-1960. Subsequent appointment: Archbishop of Camden, New Jursey. Died 2 October 1967.
  4. Archbishop Joseph F McGeough (1960-1967). Died 5 November 1970
  5. Archbishop John Gordon DCL (1967-1971). Subsequent appointments: Apostolic Pro-Nuncio to India and Apostolic Delegate to Burma; Apostolic Pro-Nuncio to the Netherlands. Retired December 1978 and died 30 January 1981
  6. Archbishop Alfredo Poledrini (1971-1979). Died 23 April 1980 in Rome.
  7. Archbishop Edward I. Cassidy, (1981-1984). Subsequent appointments: Apostolic Pro Nuncio to the Netherlands; Assistant Secretary of State in the Vatican; then president of the Pontifical Council for promoting Christian Unity. Created Cardinal 28 June 1991. Retired and living in Australia.
  8. Archbishop Joseph Mees (1985-1987), died 9 December 2001.
  9. Archbishop Ambrose De Paoli (1988-1998). Subsequently Nuncio in Japan; then Nuncio in Australia. Died 10 October 2007.
  10. Archbishop Manuel Monteiro de Castro (1998-2000, presently Secretary of the congregation for Bishops.
  11. Archbishop Blasco Francisco Collaco (2000-2006, retired to Rome.
  12. Archbishop James Patrick Green (2006-2011). 15 October 2011 appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Peru.
  13. Archbishop Mario Roberto Cassari (10 March 2012-March 2015)
  14. Archbishop Peter Wells (09 February 2016 -)